
Monday, December 30, 2013

Noddy And The Magic Rubber – A Sequel For the 21st Century. (more apologies to Enid Blyton)

Noddy And The Magic Rubber – A Sequel For the 21st Century. (more apologies to Enid Blyton)
 Article by RossLeighBrisbane

The Evil Master using his Puppets to do his dirty work.
Abbott and his minions obey the Dark Lord embarking on a Crusade of Pain and suffering inflicted on all Australians

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



The smokes and Mirrors deception by Murdoch and Abbott Coalition
The Smoke and Mirrors deception
Murdoch Media were able to pull the greatest illusionist Act since Federation.
By relentless saturation of Media and continuous repetition of concocted lies and partial truths were able to create in Australian minds a virtual reality in which the Coalition under Tony Abbott became almost believable and the Labor Party were the villains of Australian Politics.

Please Leave My Aunty Alone Mr Murdoch

Please Leave My Aunty Alone Mr Murdoch

Great Article by John Lord
This statement by ABC Managing Director Mark Scott pretty much sums it up:
“We have come under concentrated attack from News Corp,” he said. “Some aspects seem quite obsessed by us and I think there are some who have an ideological opposition to public broadcasting. I think there are some who think they would make more money if the ABC wasn’t what it is today.”

"There are three areas of motive. The competition motive. The power motive or the ideological motive. One or all could be at play here but because Murdoch spends $25 million annually to prop up The Australian I think I will settle on a mixture of all three.
It is not often we see two entities, a government and a commercial news outlet the size of News Corp, combine to manufacture a reason for the demise of a government independent body."

Simple as ABC: Murdoch out to crush competition

Simple as ABC: Murdoch out to crush competition

Murdoch is the scourge of Journalism and democracy worldwide
A man  with no moral compass and evil scheming mind..

"Murdoch meanwhile is utterly transparent in his motivations. The ABC is a competitor, one funded by the public treasury and thus not amenable to being brutalised by market power in the same way as smaller, weaker challengers, be they businesses like Fairfax or even widely unread individual bloggers who make The Australian’s highly paid economics writers look like idiots.
In the end it would not matter if every ABC staffer was sacked and replaced by neo-fascist butt monkeys. As long as Aunty is taking a single dollar in potential profit away from the Murdoch Clan, they will try to destroy it."
As per Article

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The unbelievable Andrew Bolt

The unbelievable Andrew Bolt
Article by Barry Tucker

 "As I’ve said before, the ABC is not out to destroy free enterprise; that is not its job. It’s flat out trying to make up for the news, variety of opinion and in-depth analysis the free enterprise news media is failing to deliver. We are fortunate to have a political system and a culture that supports a rich and multi-faceted resource like the ABC. I call it our national treasure. You would think Bolt would know that, too. And you know what? I suspect he does."
As per Article

Murdoch wants his pound of flesh

Murdoch wants his pound of flesh

 "Having been the largest single contributor to the election of Tony Abbott's Coalition government, Rupert Murdoch is looking for his reward, according to word around the industry. The Sun King - as he has been crowned - is said to have been talking to the freshly minted Canberra legislators about the possibility of acquiring the Ten Network."
As per Article

Guerrilla Journalism - bypassing the spin of billionaires and re:creating a new left media

Guerrilla Journalism - bypassing the spin of billionaires and re:creating a new left media

"Old media is in its death throes, now is the time for politicians, non-profits, and the wider community to see that the power of the word and distribution of the information will be by the smaller, independent media and not foreign billionaires."

Rupert Murdoch Was Secretly Recorded Admitting Violations Of American Law

Rupert Murdoch Was Secretly Recorded Admitting Violations Of American Law

A recording of a board meeting of Rupert Murdoch's Sun newspaper in Britain has surfaced and it contains some rather damning evidence of Murdoch's knowledge of illegal activity, including possible ... 

Politics – The Week That Was

Politics – The Week That Was

Article by John Lord

"Guess who’s coming to dinner.
Earlier in the week we were advised that the Prime Minister was having a dinner party for those in the right wing media who had given their support in the election campaign. I wondered if there was a room large enough. We were told by Peta Credlin that it was a private function but she couldn’t say who was footing the bill. Given that Tony Abbott is the main culprit in the expenses scandal one would have thought that he would be anxious to appear beyond reproach."
As per Article

Murdoch must act on his multicultural convictions

Murdoch must act on his multicultural convictions

Murdoch utters words with no conviction.His empty rhetoric covers some ulterior motive. In praise of multiculturalism: Rupert Murdoch addresses the Lowy Institute last week

Lynton Crosby attacked as 'dirty' by UK opposition leader

Lynton Crosby attacked as 'dirty' by UK opposition leader
London: Britain's opposition leader, Ed Miliband, has launched his most explicit attack yet on Australian strategist Lynton Crosby saying the Tories' spin doctor plans to oversee the dirtiest election campaign in decades.
It was revealed earlier this month that Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative Party is paying Mr Crosby $A853,000 to work full time on its campaign ahead of the 2015 election."
As per Article

Rupert Murdoch is a terrible businessman

Rupert Murdoch is a terrible businessman

Article by Victoria Rollison
"  I just wish Murdoch would stop blaming everyone else for his own inability to run a profitable news business. And rather than spending all his effort trying to elect people who will take Australia backwards to try to destroy his competitors, why doesn’t he take a look at his own business and put some effort into fixing it instead. Or my preferred option – give up altogether."
As per Article.