Abbott must be having a horrible Christmas break. He can’t have missed
that his old buddy, his mentor Rupert has completely dropped him and in
doing so, has given permission for his newspapers to admit that PM
Abbott is a dud. They’re still not yet ready to admit he’s always been a
dud and that they were stupid to support him in the first place (as if
they’ll ever be ready for this sort of atonement), but they’re willing
to go as far as actually reporting his poll numbers, which speak for
themselves, and saying that if only he could get his ‘message’ right,
their neoliberal Tea-Party agenda would be gratefully accepted by the
electorate instead of wholeheartedly rejected. It’s fascinating to watch
an entire news organisation finally coming round to the fact that the
public knows better than they do whether someone is a good PM or not. I
thought the whole definition of ‘news’ was telling us all something we
didn’t know, and being first to the story? Abbott’s incompetence is old
news, and News Ltd coming to this realisation last is really the only
thing you need to know about the incompetence of News Ltd. ‘Oh Abbott’s
polls are bad!’ they all cry in unison! ‘We totally didn’t see that
So what are News Ltd going to do now that their favourite son has
spectacularly failed? If you’ve been paying attention to the number of
puff pieces being written at News Ltd about their chosen successor,
Julie Bishop, you will see that a Libspill is clearly being planned.
As soon as I realised that Julie Bishop was being put forward as the
most likely replacement for Abbott, I realised just how screwed the
Abbott government is. Because if Bishop is deemed as the ‘best
performer’, it shows just how badly the rest of them have performed.
Think about it for a second. What exactly has Bishop done which is so
high performing? Perhaps if the definition of high performing is ‘not
stuffing up as badly as the rest of the Abbott ministry and being
protected by News Ltd so even if you did stuff up the public never heard
about it’, then Bishop has been high performing. But all I’ve seen is
very basic
from her in response to international tragedies, such as disease,
terrorism and plane crashes, and of course I’ve seen her slashing the
Foreign Aid budget, making Australia the stingiest rich country in the
world, bar none. I can see that News Ltd are clearly happy about this,
but as I’ve said previously, News Ltd’s opinion and the general public’s
opinion do not match and are increasingly at complete odds so News Ltd
being happy about something more than likely works against Bishop in the
long term.
But even more interesting than the claim that Bishop is ‘high
performing’, is News Ltd’s strategy of backing a female Prime Minister,
after systematically mauling our first female Prime Minister, Julia
Gillard, with a sexist, low-life, scum-filled campaign of hateful lies
and misinformation. Just to remind you all, Julia Gillard was the most
successful Prime Minister this country has ever had. You won’t ever see
any such analysis done in News Ltd papers, but this Guardian article has run the figures showing Gillard as the winner.
So keeping this in mind, and keeping News Ltd’s vile anti-Gilllard
campaign in mind, how are News Ltd going to position Bishop, a female,
unmarried, childless ex-South Australian lawyer as PM material, when
they so blatantly positioned Gillard as unfit, whilst appealing to the
scum who read their newspapers, who were only too happy to agree? They
built the anti-female-leader narrative, so how are they going to tear it
down in support for Bishop?
So far, I have seen three strategies at work.
The first is to dress Julie Bishop up in her favourite ridiculously expensive clothes, to do a bit of airbrushing and to photograph her looking relaxed and feminine
as if she doesn’t have a care in the world (or an office, or a desk,
or, for that matter, a job. Notice how male politicians are never
photographed posing as if they’re in a fashion magazine?). It’s also
worth noting at this point that when Gillard posed for a Women’s Weekly
photo shoot in 2007, Bishop was reported as saying:
“I don’t think it’s necessary to get dressed up in
designer clothing and borrow clothing and make-up to grace the cover of
magazines… You’re not a celebrity, you’re an elected representative,
you’re a member of parliament. You’re not Hollywood and I think that
when people overstep that line they miss the whole point of that public
Clearly Bishop thinks she is Hollywood and is a celebrity and that’s the end of that.
The second strategy to ready Bishop for the position as Australia’s
second female Prime Minister is for her to paint herself as not a
feminist, and not as having benefited from feminism to get where she is.
It was all her, apparently. And women who think they need
feminism to get ahead need to stop complaining and get on with it,
apparently. I feel that Bishop claiming she’s got where she is without
the help of the feminist movement is akin to the captain of a football
team being presented with the Grand Final cup and saying ‘thanks so much
for all the applause. Clearly I played really well and that’s why the
team won. I don’t know what all those other guys on my team were doing,
but without my individual effort, the Grand Final cup would not be mine
today’. Feminists have every right to be offended by Bishop’s suggestion
that their hard fought battles are just a campaign of whinging. And of
course they have every reason to laugh at Bishop, who is one of two
women in Abbott’s cabinet, after being the only one for the first year,
presumably because all the other Liberal women of merit were too busy
complaining instead of being merit selected in a cabinet that is full of
un-merit-worthy men. You’ve got to laugh so you don’t cry!
Finally, the last strategy to prepare Bishop for a leadership
challenge is for News Ltd to claim that she is nothing like Gillard, and
so should never be compared. Please look away now if you don’t feel
like being angry for at least the next month over the following
statement that was made in this Courier Mail Julie Bishop-fan-mail-puff-piece. Or do what I do and try to turn your anger into productive rage:
‘Dignified yet determined, Ms Bishop has succeeded
where Julia Gillard failed, by showing that women can perform at the
highest levels of political office without either hiding behind their
gender or sacrificing their femininity. A passionate advocate of women,
Ms Bishop believes in merit-based promotion, and her own hard work is
now reaping rewards, both on the international stage and in domestic
polls. And the damage done by Ms Gillard to the public perception of
women in leadership roles is slowly being healed as voters regain
confidence that a female politician can deliver’.
So this is the campaign and it’s well underway. There’s no sign yet as to how News Ltd with deal with Bishop’s embarrassing past of plagiarism, or her seedy career as a lawyer fighting against asbestos victims, and apparently once asking
‘why workers should be entitled to jump court queues just because they
were dying’. But we will watch and see as News Ltd comes up with new
techniques of dishonesty to repel any criticism of their
new-found-favourite candidate. And of course, it will be fascinating to
see how such a leadership spill could possibly be orchestrated without
use of the words ‘blood’ and ‘stab’ littered throughout the reportage.
No doubt that’s the last piece of the puzzle that needs to be worked out
before we wake up to find Abbott gone, and PM
anti-feminist-pro-Armani-asbestos-Julie in his place.
A similar change in Australia in 2016 will surely follow now that our Labor Party has seen the result of giving Rupert the gift of an unprecedented monopoly that he has maintained for several years.
Nobody should ever have more than one vote in a genuine democracy,
less one as shifty as Murdoch, who can move his readers around like
pawns on a chessboard.
A British reporter, Nick Davies spent seven years investigating and writing about Rupert's activities in England from sources within News International (as it was called then) and from police and politicians and oither people who had been burned by the Murdoch newspapers.
His new book, Hack Attack, refers to the once noble and respectable British newspaper News of the World,
which once employed Winston Churchill as a correspondent during an
early period of his life when he was out of politics and seeking an
income as a writer.
It was the News of the World that brought an opportunistic
and ecstatic Rupert hurrying to England after borrowing half a million
Australian dollars from the Commonwealth Bank — and adding in the value
of companies he had already acquired in Australia, he was able to close
the deal.
I was still working for Rupert when he came back from his English
triumph, grumbling about some of the TV and radio interviewers who had
mocked him. Over lunch, he told me proudly what he had achieved, how he
had sealed the triumph and how he would soon exercise a strategem that
would give him full control.
It was the beginning of his worldwide expansion into a virtual international monopoly of news and entertainment.
The irony is that the News of the World – once Britain's
pride, but later just a Sunday muck-raiser with a fondness for
paedophile parsons and politicians who used prostitutes – was
the investment that brought Rupert down. Its misdeeds forced the closure
of an historic paper with a weekend circulation greater than all the
newspapers in Australia combined.
Nick Davies is a journalist of long experience and an example of the
highest professional standards. His record accords with the Washington Post's Bob Woodward, who has said that
“All good work is done in defiance of management.”
Davies is an example of a good reporter prepared to research his
story over a period of seven years before writing it. His account of
events in the editorial room at the News of the World reveals a house of horrors.
Each one of them is characterised in Davies' book. They were all
rivals, all devoted to their own methods of gathering sensational
invasions of personal privacy, whether royalty, politics or any form of
sexual deviation was exposed to get a byline and a nod from a superiors.
Occasionally, the stories were cleverly invented — subjects offered
huge amounts of money they never received. Rivalry was the name of the
game. Getting the story was the prize. How they got their stories was by
extraodinary, underhand and often illegal methods.
The papers engaged phone hacking experts at huge salaries. They
worked outside the newrooms, often in their own homes, collecting phone
conversations to pass on to the paper and then to the public. Phone
hacking was illegal, but that didn't stop them if they knew the tricks.
One team was handed money to buy drugs for celebrities so they could
gather material for the social pages, then edited by Coulson. One
reporter, Sean Hoare,
used his expenses to coax a story from a famous actress. Coulson took
over the story and instead of publishing it took the actress on a
European holiday and shared her bed.
Rupert Murdoch made Rebekah Brooks the editor of the News of the World. Coulson became her deputy and her temporary lover.
The News of the World was the biggest selling weekend newspaper in the world. It sold around three and a half million copies a week.
Murdoch switched Brooks to the Sun and Coulson became editor of the News of the World, driving a $70,000, 165 mph Porsche Boxter.
But dreadful things were going on in the backgound, at the same time
that the phone hacking was in operation. Huge cash bribes were being
used to dig up dirt on prominent people, not through hacking, but by
spying, stalking, and gathering and publishing gossip, whether true or
Prostitutes were tricked with promises of huge cash sums for
revealing details of their client's sexual predilections. Often the
payment turned out to be less than they got from the client and, of
course, they had no recourse.
Sex orgies were happening inside the paper while the paper was
reporting scandalous wild parties elsewhere — exposing the behaviour of
prominent people while equally revolting events were occurring in their
own newsroom.
Davies broke the hacking story first in July 2009, after collecting
information from a multitude of sources, while Murdoch, with his forced
grin, was pretending it was one rogue reporter.
Lord Brian Leveson was appointed to investigate all British newspapers. He was not investigating Murdoch personally.
When the hacking cases were before the courts, the most prominent
defendent was the charming Rebekah Brooks, the newspaper's editor. The court found that she knew nothing about anything.
With his eighty-fifth birthday coming in March, Rupert Murdoch is
thrashing around in the United States trying to find other ways to
retain his empire, acquiring investments from real estate advertising,
internet startups, television entertainment and news, movies,
well-established book publishing companies, as well as his New York Post, a useful source of influence in New York politics.
In America, he has had far more failures than successes over the years and is heading in the same way in Britain and Australia.
News Corp’s siege coverage built on a ‘take-no-prisoners’ culture
AUST gets wake-call with Sydney terror. Only Daily Telegraph
caught the bloody outcome at 2.00 am. Congrats.— Rupert Murdoch
(@rupertmurdoch) December 15, 2014 In one brutally insensitive tweet,
There are ways for the media to cover stories such as the Sydney siege without committing gross ethical violations. AAP/Joel Carrett
AUST gets wake-call with Sydney terror. Only Daily Telegraph caught the bloody outcome at 2.00 am. Congrats.
In one brutally insensitive tweet, Rupert Murdoch told the world
everything it ever needed to know about the central tenet of the News
Corp culture: nothing matters except the story.
It is a culture in which the ends justify the means.
It is a culture that celebrates cruel vulgarity, infamously exemplified by the headline “Gotcha”
in the London Sun when, during the Falklands War, the British forces
sank the Argentine warship the General Belgrano, with the loss of 368
lives. In Stick It Up Your Punter!,
their account of life on The Sun, Peter Chippindale and Chris Horrie
wrote that although even the editor, the egregious Kelvin MacKenzie, had
second thoughts about the heading, Murdoch said:
I rather like it.
This is a culture that ultimately leads to the kind of criminality exposed in the phone-hacking scandal that engulfed
the British branch of Murdoch’s empire in 2011. It is a culture that
says if that’s what it takes to get the story or sell a newspaper, let’s
do it.
These are images that are likely to haunt those hostages all their
lives. The risk of doing harm should have been obvious. The disregarding
of that risk is unjustifiable and unforgivable.
It is a culture that permits the publication of a door-stop photo of
the father and husband of Katrina Dawson, who died at the gunman’s
hands. They are leaving the hospital where Dawson died. The photo is
clearly taken against the husband’s wishes: he is covering his face with
his hand. The father’s face is a mask of shock. The intrusion on their
grief is another unforgivable act.
There are ways to cover these stories without committing these gross
ethical violations, and much of the other media showed how to do it.
Channel Nine’s graphic live footage of the final police assault, and
other television footage of hostages dashing from the scene, were vivid
and immensely strong pieces of news reporting. ABC TV’s careful
pixelating of faces of hostages in footage taken during the siege was
another example of good ethical decision-making.
However, the newspapers – and not just News Corp’s but Fairfax’s too
– seemed to think that material posted by the hostages on Facebook was
simply public property to be exploited for media purposes.
This is a clear violation of a foundational privacy principle that
says material supplied for one purpose shall not be used for another
purpose without the provider’s consent. Many people – young people in
particular – post material on Facebook for the purpose of sharing it
with their friends. They do not anticipate that it will be used by the
media in whatever context or for whatever purpose the media thinks fit.
The focus of this article has been on News Corp because the
connection between its performance and Murdoch’s tweet is the principal
point of argument. However, that is not to say News Corp coverage was
all bad, nor that others were blameless.
The mixed quality of the media performance was illustrated by the responses to it
by the NSW Police Commissioner, Andrew Scipione, and the chair of the
Australian Press Council, Professor Julian Disney. Scipione publicly
thanked the media for acting responsibly in the way they covered the
For you to act the way you did, to be responsible, all I can say is “thank you”.
Much of the coverage has been excellent and has not
hesitated to tell painful truths when necessary. But there have been
some deeply regrettable errors and exaggerations, spreading dangerous
misinformation without any reasonable basis. This type of material can
be a serious risk to public safety, as well as causing an unjustified
level of fear and distrust across the community.
It was a general statement of assessment, and did not make specific allegations against any particular media outlet.
However, it provoked a response from News Corp broadsheet The Australian, which has been running a campaign to undermine Disney in his last year as chair of the Press Council.
In a front-page story, it accused Disney of “triggering concerns” –
by whom, one wonders – about “whether his organisation has abandoned the
rules of procedural fairness”.
The basis for this accusation was that Disney had spoken without
hearing the media’s side of the story. The weakness in this argument is
that Disney was not making a finding against a specific newspaper, but
making a general statement about the performance of the newspapers as a
However, the motive for the story became clear in its last paragraph.
There, The Australian quoted its own editor-in-chief, Chris Mitchell,
as saying Disney:
… has just dealt the Press Council out of any future complaints about the role of the media during this week’s events.
This was clearly meant as a shot across the bow of the Press Council.
In the event that the Press Council does decide to hear complaints
about the coverage of the siege, it is reasonable to suppose that News
Corp will challenge its fitness to do so. This may not thwart any such
inquiry, but it might make it more difficult to accomplish, especially
if News Corp decided not to co-operate on the grounds of apprehended
This brings us finally to another aspect of the News Corp culture: every critic is an enemy, and we take no prisoners
Rupert Murdoch has ruthlessly bulldozed Tony Abbott into
slashing government funding for the ABC, Australia's most abundant
source of generally accurate and fair news reporting, entertainment and
general interest for nearly a hundred years.
Murdoch was following in the footsteps of his father, Sir Keith Murdoch,
who tried for many years to bully former Prime Minister Robert Menzies
into doing the same thing — selling and commercialising the ABC. But
Menzies knew how important the ABC was to Australians, particularly in
the years of the wars with Germany and Japan. He knew its importance and
popularity in Australia and any attempt to commercialise it would be
fatal to his or any other government.
No other source in Australia could possibly provide the level of
services of the ABC offered both in wartime and peacetime. Links with
the BBC in London produced such events as the Normandy invasion in real
time broadcasting. In peacetime, the ABC was the first choice for
international cricket and the Olympic Games.
Keith Murdoch had to be satisfied with one licence to operate a
commercial radio station in Melbourne and, later, two television station
licences — one in Melbourne and another in Brisbane.
But the Murdochs, father and son, were greedy as always. For two
generations they have wanted everything: to control all the news as they
chose in their own way and to publish it and gain the political power
that came with it, and to make vast sums of money through advertising.
Rupert Murdoch's Foxtel in Australia and Fox News in the U.S. are carrying on the family tradition, with Rupert's two sons hanging on to take over at the appropriate time.
Foxtel uses our taxes – yours and mine – to provide services snitched
from the ABC free of charge to present it on the Foxtel service. It has
been revealed that it costs the ABC – and therefore taxpayers – $6 million a year for the privilege of broadcasting its content on Foxtel.
For Rupert, the news and information and entertainment services come
from his 21st Century Fox, not only to fund American TV, but to also
support the money-losing side of his publishing empire in Australia and
the United States.
In England, his papers still make a profit, but their future
operations may lie in the hands of an incoming Labor government when the continuing police investigations are concluded. Also at risk are his huge TV investments in the UK and Europe.
In the U.S. his future is governed by the continuing investigations
being carried out by Scotland Yard and the FBI as they continue
collecting evidence into who paid the bribes to secure favors from
government officials.
In the meantime and for a foreseeable future, Rupert's U.S. Fox TV operates mainly by a cable network spanning most of the American states.
As long as Murdoch is allowed to use the U.S. cable system he will be
able to continue and expand. Cable operators pay fees to Murdoch's Fox
for the services provided while the cable system itself is in the final
control of the U.S. government through the Federal Communications Commission.
The worst result would be a conviction that would have enormous consequences for his companies and his shareholders.
The ABC's predominant anti-Gillard sentiment was pretty obvious at times. If Australia’s mainstream journalists had been financial
advisors giving their clients the same standard of advice before the
last election, they’d be in gaol, writes Tom Orren.
ANYONE OLD ENOUGH to remember Laurel and Hardy on Saturday afternoon TV (and no, I’m not old enough to have seen them at a Saturday Matinee) will remember a rather rotund Oliver Hardy delivering that catch-phrase after Stan Laurel had led him into some dire, but hilarious, situation:
“Well, here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten me into.”
They’ll also remember that Ollie was always a willing participant if ever there was something in it for him.
Now, you might ask:
“What’s a catch-phrase doing in a piece about politics?”
(Apart from the obvious answer.)
To which I'd respond:
“Well, I’ll tell you then…”
(You have to imagine me fiddling with the end of my tie as I say that.)
It’s because, every time I see or hear Tony Abbott, or one of his
Liberal cronies on TV or radio, my skin crawls as I think back to the
absolutely pathetic job done by our political media in scrutinising his
policies ‒ no, his catch-phrases ‒ in the lead up to the 2013 election.
Actually, absolutely pathetic might not be anywhere near strong enough, culpable negligence may be more apt … present company excluded, of course.
The Media and the 2013 Campaign
From 2010 to 2013, almost the entire focus of the media was on Kevin
Rudd stirring up trouble in order to resurrect his Prime Ministership
and the rest was taken up belittling anything that the Gillard
government tried to do, or giving oxygen to the catch-phrases dreamt up
by ATPC (Australian Tea Party Central) for Abbott to use.
The end result was that, all the public ever saw were bad-news
stories about the ALP — criticisms, questions, suggestions, allegations,
stories about infighting … and catch-phrases, of course. Anything that
was in the least bit negative got a run, to the almost total exclusion
of any of the good it had done.
Et tu, ABC?
You’d be excused for thinking that my wrath is directed entirely at the Murdoch media ‒ Foxtel, The Daily Telegraph, The Herald Sun, The Courier Mail,The Australian, The Advertiser, the NT News, The Mercury and so on ‒ but you’d be wrong.
It’s also directed at some of our more credible networks and
journalists, including; the Fairfax media, various independents and even
the likes of Fran Kelly, Leigh Sales and good old Barrie Cassidy at the ABC.
The nadir of this was when the normally reputable Four Corners did a piece entitled The Comeback Kid, by Andrew (What-a-way-to-end-your-career) Fowler. This was long before a Rudd comeback looked even remotely possible. In fact, it may have even kick-started it…
I could have added former 7.30 host (as well as one-time ACT candidate for the wacky “pro-life” Osborn Independent Group) Chris Uhlmann
to the above list, but he has been so vitriolic towards the ALP for so
long that he doesn’t deserve a mention in the same sentence.
As for Michelle Grattan,
who appears daily on Kelly’s breakfast program, I just don’t know what
to think. She’s supposed to be the doyen of Australian journalism, but I
don’t think I ever heard her utter a kind word about Julia Gillard
throughout that entire campaign. In fact, she even flat out told her to resign at one point.
At same time, Grattan spent countless hours of airtime and rolls of
newsprint time extolling the virtues of Tony Abbott’s political ability.
Negative Comment
During the 2013 election campaign, I was an avid listener to Radio National, in particular to Fran Kelly’s influential RN Breakfast program.
Over the course of about three weeks, I kept note of the negative
mentions made of the ALP, the LNP and the Greens and the approximate
ratio was around 150:30:2. That means Fran Kelly spent about five times
longer bagging the ALP government than she did bagging the policies of
the LNP (and almost none criticising the Greens), which had a
predictable and inevitable effect.
But Fran Kelly wasn’t the only one. In fact, she was among the more
balanced of them, because nearly every other news program in the country
at the time, was getting its leads from the same place as Fran — the
morning print media, which was (and still is) overwhelmingly dominated by the Murdoch Press.
Who got us into this mess?
So, was it News Corp that led our media astray and got us into our current ‘fine mess’?
It’s not enough to say that our media was tricked or led, because it
should have known better. It should have set its own agenda and gone
through the LNP’s policies with a fine-toothed comb.
But it didn’t.
It should have picked up the flaws in their arguments and their figures, and questioned many of their claims.
But it didn’t.
It should have driven semi-trailers through the web of fallacies that
the LNP was spinning, but it didn’t do that either. And it should have
done its due diligence.
But it didn’t.
In other words, if the country’s journalists had been financial
advisors who gave such bad advice to their clients, they’d be in gaol.
While we (the voters) might try to blame the media by saying:
"Well, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into!"
… like Ollie, we’re also partly to blame.
Because, like him, as voters, far too many of us thought that there would be something in it for us.
It’s not just Australia…
But it’s not just Australia that’s in a ‘fine mess’.
About half way through Thomas Picketty’s excellent (but excruciatingly long) book, Capital in the 21st Century,
he makes the point that, for some unknown reason, income inequality is
far greater in the English-speaking world (USA, UK and Australia/NZ)
than anywhere else. He then leaves it for others to decide why.
Well, I think I can make an educated guess about why — the Murdoch media.
If you need any proof of that just think back to how quickly news of
the immense bonuses paid to financial sector executives (using
government bail-out funds) at the height of the GFC faded into
insignificance so quickly, to be replaced by a crusade against Obama’s
health care plan.
And then ask yourself:
“Which story was most deserving of a good old-fashioned media crusade?”
You might also reflect on how the recent U.S. Congressional elections
went so badly for the Democrats and how most of the anti-Obama
commentary during that campaign stemmed from the Murdoch media. This
negative coverage has been so successful that even respected Australian
commentators have begun labelling him a lame duck.
The media in the USA and the UK are no different to ours – literally –
because they are largely run by the same man and they too have led
their countries from one fine mess to another — from Iraq to ISIL, from
lower taxes for the rich to greater financial system deregulation, and
from small-government to anti-gun control.
In every case, the ring-leader appears to be one and the same.
Professor of political science at Sydney University in the 1970s, Henry Mayer, used to say,
“Whoever controls the media, controls what people think and therefore, who they vote for.”
That is a hell of a lot of power for any one person to wield.
Let’s face it, anyone who can get the country’s media to follow them
around like an obedient dog is capable of anything, so only when that
media frees itself of such control will we have any hope of getting out
of the fine mess they have gotten us into.
(Image screenshot A criminal trial in London for six News Corporation
reporters and editors has heard shocking new evidence that the company
'shopped' its own journalists to prevent corporate charges. Rodney E. Lever reports.
charges in the Kingston-Upon-Thames Crown court against six reporters
from Rupert Murdoch's The Sun newspaper in Britain.
There is evidence of hundreds of cash payments signed by Rebekah Brooks, the former editor of The Sun and later the chief executive of News Corporation in England, who was acquitted of any wrongdoing relating to phone hacking.
Even more surprising, the details were found in a Memoranda of Understanding
provided to the Metropolitan Police by the management and services
committee set up by News Corp in 2011 to investigate the phone hacking.
Lawyers for the defence say these men were “shopped to the police” to
avoid charges being laid against News Corp. The court was told that
making payments to public officials would have provided corporate
charges which could destroy the company.
The parent company of The Sun and the now defunct News of the World, including Rupert Murdoch, had worked fully with the police; but as more reporters were arrested, the company became less enthusiastic as the threat of corporate charges emerged.
A lawyer working for News accused the police of attacking the freedom of the press. Another News Corp lawyer described the prospect of a corporate charge as "devastating" and "apocalyptic".
Author Peter Jukes, author of a book covering the earlier hacking trials, has been covering the case in London for various publications, including Independent Australia.
He says that News Corporation set up a Managing Standards Committee
(MSC) in 2011 to investigate its business practices following the
phone-hacking scandal.
Detective Superintendent Mark Kandiah was involved in Operation Weeting that year, which brought a criminal case against former News of the World editors Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson.
He was appointed senior investigating officer on Operation Elveden and said the MSC had been helping police by providing them with information.
“At that stage, it [Operation Elveden] was just confined to police officers,” Dt Supt Kandiah told the court.
“For a start I have not paid police officers for any information.”
He is then interrogated about various cash payments and procedures around reporting crime, particularly in the Thames Valley.
One Sun memo from 26/04/02 appears to throw in question his earlier
statement about not paying police, noting that a payment of £500 to
‘… pay contributor/police officer for assist on Millie body in river article.’
Pyatt again denies he paid police.
From the transcript of the police interview:
PYATT: Again I didn’t write this I have never seen this document I
just don’t see it and whether that is a catch or phrase
contributor/police officer because it’s a police orientated story I
don’t know but I can tell you that was paid to the …… if you go back to
the story as it says on page 2 of the Sun we offer stories for cash, now
we had a guy ring in who saw a police operation in progress, there were
frogmen in the water, the area was all taped off, he had spoken to an
officer there and asked what’s it all about and the guy said to him well
it’s when they were all looking for Millie DOWLER, so we thought we
might have found Millie we found a body of a teen girl he then calls the
news desk and says that you pay cash for stories, yes we do pay cash
for stories what have you got, I think I know where Millie DOWLER is
there is a big police operation on at the moment, where is it, well am I
going to get paid, yes you will we will send someone down to come and
talk to you, I go down to talk to him find the scene and it all turns
out we have got .… if you turn over the page a little bit …. it made a
1-4-5 for us anyway [SNIP]
OFFICER: And that sort of information is worth £500 is it
PYATT: It’s worth a lot more actually
OFFICER: A bargain for you then
PYATT: Yes it was a bargain and we agreed more, if he is giving
us a 1-4-5, cash we would have probably if he had asked for it we would
have paid him £1,500 for that
OFFICER: I still don’t understand the expression 1-4-5
PYATT: Page 1 and the 4-5 is the spread you have page 1 …
Pyatt goes on to describe his disappointment about being thrown to the wolves by News Corporation management:
PYATT: I would like to say that I spent nearly 25 years with them
I have been in a situation in Ibiza, I have been driven out in the
middle of a desert by a police officer who put a gun to my head to try
and find out a photographer, I have been chased down the Khyber pass by
rebels, I have been all across Africa in really difficult situations, I
have done so much for the Sun and I do feel a little bit disappointed
that I have been accused of this and that they have …… the Sun newspaper
sends me out to do things they tell me where to go what to do and for
them to then be turning around and saying why not investigate one of our
guys he might have done something wrong, I just find I feel basically
very let down by them for deciding to do that when at the end of the day
I am the person that does what they’re told
…. there is an overall feeling that News International is
basically … I don’t know what the word is …… but we just feel that we
are being investigated and we haven’t done anything wrong I mean there
is quite rightly an investigation into News of the World, allegations
have been made of all the phone hacking and a number of people have been
arrested but there has been no such allegations made at the Sun, the
Times or the Sunday Times yet despite the fact that the police aren’t
investigating those newspapers we are all being investigated by our own
company, they have brought in a firm of solicitors to go through all our
emails and all our stories trying to find stuff on us to hand over to
the police and I think most of the guys’ views is hang on a minute the
police aren’t investigating we haven’t done anything wrong, if we have
done something wrong then by all means come and investigate us but it’s
like they are going through everything we have got trying to find things
and tossing them out, I think there is a view …. we have done nothing
wrong yet we are being investigated by ourselves for stuff that we have
been told to do, I mean this is what we do for a living I don’t suddenly
decide to go off and do this or do that I am being sent there and I am
being told to pay this money it’s not me making this up it’s not coming
out of my bank account, the person rings the news desk want’s x for it I
am told to go out get the story and do it then they send the money out
to me because I am the local person and I pay
The plot thickened further in court as new light was shed on the
alleged three million missing News Corp emails News Corp emails, as
reported by The Guardian yesterday:
Three million emails at News International are missing after
Rebekah Brooks changed the company’s email deletion policy, a jury
Brooks ordered the change in June 2010, which resulted in a large
quantity of emails being deleted, including those “covering her entire
period as editor of the Sun”, Kingston crown court was told.
In a report on his blog last night, Peter Jukes said that the agreed facts from the hacking trial show that number to be closer to 13 million [Jukes’ emphasis].
161. Between 11/12/2007 and 16/05/2010, a total of 9,244,111 emails were “purged” from the archive. These “purge” events were linked to scheduled maintenance tasks that occurred routinely.
162. In August 2010, a “purge” task was carried out within NI’s email archive, which resulted in the deletion of 1,119,478 emails. This purge was necessitated by a disk failure, which had corrupted data.
163. Any email message deleted or lost for any of the
above reasons cannot be retrieved and is no longer available to the
parties. This is because the above events pre-date the earliest
available back-up tape of NI’s email archive system.
164. In addition to the above losses of data, in September 2010,
NI instructed an IT firm, Capax, (contracted in January 2010 to support
NI in managing its email archive system) to purge e-mails which were
dated before 2005. As a result, on 30 September 2010
4,480,902 emails were deleted from NI’s email archive system. A
system back-up dating from August 2010 was identified by NI in September
2011. Therefore: (a) between December 2007 and August 2010, a total of
10,363,589 messages were purged or deleted and are irrecoverable; and
(b) in September 2010, a further 4,480,902 messages were purged or
deleted of which records suggest that 1.49 million have been recovered.
Disk failure? Corrupted data? It all seems rather convenient.
The question is, did these emails include information that might
implicate executives and not just soldier ant journalists and editors at
News Corporation.