
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Boycott Murdoch Week: 7 to 14 September 2014

Boycott Murdoch Week: 7 to 14 September 2014


(Image by John Graham)

Next week, why not boycott all Murdoch holdings to send
the arch puppeteer a clear message that Australians have had enough of
his malign influence over Australian politics, writes Alfredo Navarro.

THERE'S NOTHING NEW about the influence Rupert Murdoch has over the Australian political landscape.

In 1972, Whitlam was in favour and the Murdoch press supported the Labor leader. Victory was the outcome.

However, when Mr Whitlam PM would not bend to the puppeteer’s whim, an assassination via the press was ordered.

"Kill Whitlam"Murdoch ordered his Australian editors.

And throughout the subsequent decades, Murdoch the master manipular
continued playing on the hopes and fears of the Australian public to
install and remove politicians and governments.

Murdoch’s News Corporation and his other media interests have gone
too far. Their savage attack propaganda prior to the 2013 Federal
election can only be described disgraceful.

With around 70 per cent of the mainstream newspaper market and an ill-informed public blindly accepting their about a fictitious "budget crisis", the levers of power were gifted to Abbott's Coalition last year.

And as Murdoch continues lying to further his own interests and insult Australians — our democracy is in dire peril.

The lying has to stop.

This style of manipulation is not only found in Australia — the USA and UK have also had their fair share of Murdoch's forked tongue.

The corruption and lying is not acceptable in any shape we as
Australians must unite and tell Murdoch that Australians are not for

I call on all Australians to boycott Murdoch’s News Corp and other interests.

On 7 September 2014, for one week, boycott all Murdoch
holdings to send the arch puppeteer a clear message Australians have had

You can find a list of Murdoch's major assets here and here.

Find out how to block Murdoch's on your computer here.

Don't let Murdoch steal more elections for his puppets and cronies.

Australians are NOT FOR SALE.

Read more by  Alfredo Navarro at or follow him on Twitter @alfredocowper.

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