
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Remember the name: Dan Evans!

Remember the name: Dan Evans!

Remember the name: Dan Evans!

Rodney E. Lever 7 August 2014, 8:00am 13

Murdoch's credibility has been permanently damaged by the hacking trials

Will Dan Evans be the new David who could slay the mighty Goliath, Murdoch, with his slingshot? Rodney E. Lever reports.

Remember the name: Dan Evans

For he may be a new David who could slay the mighty Goliath with his
slingshot. With a name like Evans he may well be a Welshman who will
bring down the most world’s most powerful media magnate (who has a
Scottish-Israeli background). 

This bold and refreshingly honest 38-year-old newspaper reporter came
forward to tell the world that he personally hacked hundreds of
telephones because that was his job when he worked for Rupert Murdoch on
the News of the World.

His revelations have thrown a whole new light on to Rupert Murdoch
and the hacking scandal and the way the company and its senior
administration have tried to absolve themselves of any knowledge of what
was going on.

He has more courage than Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson, James Murdoch
and Rupert Murdoch, put together. He was not a rogue reporter. He was
doing his job as he was told to do and nobody told him that it was a
crime. This fact alone could raise important evidence of corporate
malfeasance now part of the ongoing investigations. 

Evans faced up to his crimes and admitted them in every detail, while
his superiors, including the mighty Murdoch, ran for cover and refused
to show remorse.

Evans was sentenced to ten years in jail — more years than his boss
Coulson had received. But Mr Justice Saunders has suspended the sentence
in the expectation that Evans will offer more vital information in
further trials and to Operation Weeting in the U.K., the United States Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Their investigations are continuing, and include sifting through
eighteen thousand of possibly incriminating emails that were supposed to
have been destroyed at News of the World. Copies turned up later at the New York headquarters.

Judge Saunders said that getting people who work in newspapers to provide information about their work was almost impossible. 

Evans’ solicitor told the judge that Evans had come under “intense pressure” to produce stories and that he became reckless with some of his work.

“He became depressed and demoralised and hated what he did. He could only apologise to the people he had offended."

Order Peter Jukes' new book on the hacking trial 'Beyond Contempt' here. Follow Rodney on Twitter @RodneyELever.

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